Title: Jason Elkin: Uncorked
Status: Currently In-Production
Location: Napa, CA
Position: Co-Director, Director of Photography, Editor, Music
Unravel the mysteries of the cult of wine! Join host, wine connoisseur, and Bacchus’s Bad Boy Jason Elkin as he travels the world to explore and partake in the pleasures of wine. Region by region, off the beaten path, this dynamic personality will expose you, the viewer, to lifestyle, local cultures, beautiful scenery, word on vine fun facts and tips, excursions and unique wines and cuisine. Jason covers it all, with a sly sense of humor and knowing insights. Jason Elkin Uncorked is a must-see experience for avid travelers, foodies, and wine-lovers of all levels.
Uncork the world of wine, food and adventure one region at a time with Jason Elkin as he explores the world of wine and wines of the world. Jason endeavors to bring local and international flavor to highly sophisticated and wildly adventurous palates alike, one smile, one step and one sip at a time. Jason Elkin uncorked and out of the bottle will inspire adventure and reveal much of the magic still to be found when travelling.
With wines’ growing popularity and varietal complexities, Jason will decant and bring out the unique characteristics of every bottle he samples and serve fresh takes on new cultures, their locales and favorite foods as well as what wine are suggestively best to pair, completing all epicurean experiences at every stop. Uncorked will reveal the world that surrounds wine and celebrate what he finds in his unique, honest and charming style. So sit back, pop the cork and enjoy.
For more information, please visit JTE-Productions!